The Taurus New Moon and Loving Your Whole Self


It’s a time for all of us to consider what we want

to see grow in the garden of our lives

The Taurus new moon occurs today and it’s the centerpiece to this current Taurus season. It’s also a springboard for all of the important opportunities for personal growth that are available this month. But what lessons does it exactly have to teach you? A new moon is a time of beginnings, and Taurus is all about sowing those seeds and bringing things into tangible fruition. It’s a time for all of us to consider what we want to see grow in the garden of our lives. Start by asking yourself, what do I value right now? What contributes to my self-worth and my sense of purpose? In general, everyone is concerned with achieving some activation or motivation around their higher calling. What am I here to do? This new moon, and the remaining month, can offer some clues.

Consider your relationship with your intuitive self? How well are you cultivating your connection to spirit? I know, spirit can seem like a vague and even annoying word. But that’s because we can’t define it as one thing. But the goal here is to define it for yourself. It’s personal. Sometimes, we all push so hard to create lives that ultimately keep us from the quiet space where we have to face our inner fears and demons. But if you can utilize this month to build that relationship with your inner voice, then it will challenge you to push outside of your comfort zone so you can move more toward your ambitions and goals. Now is not the time to contemplate playing it safe. You may not have all the answers, or even get them by month’s end. But if you can allow yourself to get inspired in your thinking and confident in your approach, you will see the results begin to spring forth.


There is only one of you,

and you’re the most precious resource that you have to share

This new moon and the rest of May following offers moments of revelation. They may come harshly or were born out of someone’s harsh words, but they now have the chance to translate into action. You may allow yourself to backtrack on a project or relationship and clean up some of the mess (that you probably made yourself). Or you may be going over outdated mental or emotional belief patterns in ways that allow you to see, once and for all, how they are manifesting negatively in your life. You can change your ways, even the most stubborn of you. But you must be willing to see yourself clearly and with honesty. When it comes to this process, treat yourself with some tough love but leave out the nasty words. You gain nothing by picking on yourself so if that’s been your old habit, reverse it now.

This month is also going to lead us into more communication and partnership, whether we like it or not. If you have problems standing up for yourself, start to wade into these waters by reaching out to those you trust and feel comfortable opening up to. You want to get cozy speaking your mind or else someone could come along and put some words in your mouth for you. You at least want to be able to walk through the doors of conversation and connection so they don’t catch you off guard when they become a necessity in some area of your life, whether, it be at home, in relationships, or with your work life. Power struggles can be at play so don’t become overwhelmed by unleashing them on yourself. If you’re unprepared, the ego always wins and it’s usually not cute. Avoid the pitfalls that come with the fear of speaking up for your ideas and beliefs. Some could easily just fall into isolation, and there’s too much energy out there for advancement through communication to let it slide.

First and foremost, be gentle with yourself. There is only one of you, and you’re the most precious resource that you have to share. And we out here in the world want your gifts. You need to believe in them. Grow them. And tell us all about them.

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