Your Soul is Your Truth – Deal With It!

Lost and Confused Signpost

A gift lies within pain and confusion

I haven’t written for the last month, but it’s not because I have chosen to desert you, dear reader.  Soon after my last post, a dear friend of mine passed away.  It was one of those moments in life that shattered my perceived perception of how the Universe works.  I couldn’t help but to question the goodness of all things, knowing that my young, successful, and ambitious friend had been wiped from the earth in a single day.  I spent so much time agonizing over how I could have been a better friend, or creating fear for myself around death.  Then, exactly one week later, my boyfriend experienced a death in his immediate family, which brought mortality even more into the limelight.  I spent hours wondering, “what the hell is going on here, Universe?”  I was tired, sad, and just plain over it.  So I caved and spent a good long month just crying.

With the dust from my intense January settled, I have truly been able to recognize that a gift lies within pain and confusion.  But we must be willing to go into the tears and feelings to access it.  Because that is the only way that we can move deeper, into the Piscean deep where our soul dwells.  And our soul is our truth.  Sometimes, we can grow too distant from that truth, and we need a crushing hand to come in and remind us to reconnect.  See, my soul was feeling abandoned in a way, and nothing ever comes from being in that place.  Thankfully, I have re-established the connection, and just in time for Pisces to make its way in.

In Pisces lives spirit and intuition.


Pisces is the connecter to soul.  In Pisces lives spirit and intuition.  It is the sign that governs our link to the divine and makes our human experience a deeper, more soulful one.  The sun hasn’t moved into Pisces yet, but four others are already there – Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and the asteroid Chiron, which in astrology represents our soul’s greatest wound.  With the Sun coming to join soon, as well as Venus, we will all be driven more by our internal compass, so it will be important to gain or further vitalize that connection.  Otherwise, we could just find ourselves fighting the messages we are receiving, making life chaotic rather than flowing.  And that’s where we deserve to be.

Let’s look more closely at where Pisces may be affecting you, and how you should harness its energy to live a better life.

(In Memory of Sadath Garcia, a true friend and Aries soul.)


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