That Gemini New Moon When You Got Real With Yourself


We have to get down to releasing our self-made soap operas so that we can focus on the lives we want to be living for ourselves

I recently got over a conflict I was having with a friend, except the friend wasn’t entirely aware that there was even a conflict at all. Yes, that reveals me to be somewhat of a passive-aggressive headcase. I can admit to that. But there was also real hurt and sadness there, and I had constructed all kinds of reasons why I shouldn’t directly confront the problem. Some of it I even construed as being considerate on my part. But of course, it was all just fear-based. And in hindsight, I think some of the drama I was creating in my head, and in my relationship, was just stifled creativity withheld by resistance.

In his masterful book, THE WAR OF ART, Steven Pressfield writes, “Creating soap opera in our lives is a form of resistance.” And resistance is what keeps us from living “the unlived life within us.” We can so easily get caught up in what he’s doing or what she said or how so-and-so and so-and-so did such-and-such together and they must not care about me, but in the end, it’s almost always just some bullshit that doesn’t need to affect us. As Pressfield suggests, we have to get down to releasing our self-made soap operas so that we can focus on the lives we want to be living for ourselves.


This Gemini new moon wants you to get real with both the person you are inside and the person you’re expressing out into the world

The Gemini New Moon is all about unifying the conversations that our heart selves and our personality selves are having, so that we can clear a path for a more authentic expression of being. Sometimes we just feel some kind of way about something, but we don’t express it. We internalize it, like I did with my friend, causing a split in our life continuum. We resist the urge to speak our truth, thus leaving ourselves to suffer in silence. And it’s usually for no good reason. So this Gemini new moon wants you to get real with both the person you are inside and the person you’re expressing out into the world. Can you see if there’s any disconnect there? Are you suppressing a part or parts of yourself in some area of your life just to keep the peace? Is there a hole in your heart that you’ve been resisting to fill?

Remember, this is the launch of a new month-long cycle. So let’s take a closer look at each sign and how to work with it.

Continue reading “That Gemini New Moon When You Got Real With Yourself”

That Scorpio Full Moon When It Was Change or Bust


The Scorpio Full Moon wants you to shift away from your outdated ways of thinking and feeling and trade in your old stories for some new ones

Recently, I had an interesting reading with a client who didn’t really feel like she was all that connected to spirituality. Sure, she thought crystals were cool and she was open to her friend’s gift of a reading with me, but she didn’t really have a firm foundation for her own connection to spirit. In reading her chart, it basically said that she needed to establish one in order to live as her best self. “Spirituality doesn’t have to be religion or some big deal. It can simply be about cultivating a relationship with presence”, I told her. “Sometimes you just have to learn how to be okay with stillness and silence so that you can be present to the signs and symbols that are trying to appear in your life.” That idea resonated with her, and she seemed to open up to thinking and feeling about a relationship with spirit in a whole new way.

At the end of the reading, I glanced at my deck of small animal cards. The Moose was visible, as it was the last one I had pulled myself. I had the thought to have her pull one, as I sometimes do with clients but then brushed it off. Our reading had already gone long and it was getting late. We chatted as I moved a chair back into place and saw that a larger version of the Moose card was on the floor. Unbeknownst to me, it had fallen out of the back of my notebook where I had placed it after a reading long ago. She asked me about it, and I told her the crazy story associated with it, and my wedding – I’ll tell you another time. But it all made me think that perhaps she should pull a card. Maybe it was a sign. So I grabbed the small deck and shuffled them up a bunch. I told her to use her left hand and pick one. She did. And, there was the Moose. Immediately, we both flipped out, laughing. She couldn’t believe it. Skeptical, she shouted, “Let me see that deck!” I fanned them out, showing her that each one was different. She had just chosen that one. Its message:


It was beyond prophetic in regards to everything we’d just spoken about in our reading. Neither of us could believe the serendipity. I exclaimed to her, “The signs! Pay attention to the signs! “ It amplified everything we had been talking about, and it was a good reminder for her to shift her perspective on living a more present, spirit-based life. It was also a reminder for me to have someone pull a card the second I think of it, without a second guess. I have usually been a person who second-guesses everything I do or think. In the past, I’ve allowed fear and insecurity to get in the way of belief and trust. But that shit’s got to change. If I can help shift an agnostic woman into believing there is something connecting us all and offering us guidance, then I can certainly shift myself into being someone that no longer allows self-doubt to distract me from my truth. And that is my new story.

I am no longer someone who allows self-doubt to distract me from my truth.

The Scorpio Full Moon wants you to shift away from your outdated ways of thinking and feeling and trade in your old stories for some new ones. Where or how in your life have you been keeping yourself in a mental or emotional rut? Who or what have you been a “victim” to in your heart and mind, even though the reality of the situation has long been gone? It’s time to honor our subconscious, spirit-based desire to transform in a big way and release whatever old patterns we have been perpetuating. We all allow ourselves to get caught up in our beliefs to the point that we can’t see past them. We become unable to free ourselves from how we’ve grown accustomed to seeing ourselves in certain areas of our lives. We may be saying, “I’m unlucky in love.” “I will never forgive him/her.” “If only I’d done something different, my life would be so much better.” There are a ton of these stories that we’ve told ourselves forever that have now created the present state of our heart and mind. But what if we released them for good and wrote new, more self-loving ones?


Now is the time to believe in YOU in a whole new way. I know that you’ve heard this kind of message before, but more than ever, you must let go of the old shit. It’s time to forgive, make amends, and move on. It’s time to release the feelings and thoughts of the past that have hoarded away inside of you for far too long, causing you to hurt and heartache.

It’s time to believe in a new beginning

Approach the situations of your life in a new way, with new eyes and new ideas. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself and to others. If you’re always feeding negative speak to your mind and to others, then you’re simply cultivating a life of negativity. That’s all you’ll be able to see. So give yourself a brand makeover, as the kids would say. Ground into the reality of who you actually are – not whom you’ve been seeing yourself as for years now. Or more so, as the person you told yourself to be based on what parents, the cool kids, old friends, TV told you to be.

Be willing to change. That’s all it really takes. You need the recognition that there are parts of you that need to change so that you can grow. Whatever you’ve been most stubborn about releasing is exactly what needs to go. It doesn’t need to be hard. It doesn’t need to derail friendships or careers or ruin lives. You simply just need to start, inside, with a little personal shift within. The rest, like that Moose card lying on the floor, will then appear to you and guide you toward your next step.