The Full Moon in Pisces 2019


Are there revelations at hand you need to face in order to move forward?

A strong moment comes for us all in the wee hours of September 14th when there’s a full moon in Pisces. The full moon is a time when the sun and moon oppose, which gives us the chance to release what isn’t serving our personal evolution. The moon will glow brightest with Neptune, the planet of spirituality, right beside it. This amplifies your intuition and sense of magic, giving you a chance to see beyond the mundane and into your soul’s goals. But this could also highlight some circumstances in a way that shows you people or situations that don’t truly support or respect you for your true self.

The best thing to do at this time is to pause a moment and reflect. Take stock of where you’re at on your path. Do you need to make any life adjustments to help better focus you toward your greater goals? Are there revelations at hand you need to face in order to move forward? Maybe something, or someone, isn’t working out and you’re finally able to see that more clearly now. The question is, are you able to release them, knowing that it’s for the ultimate good of your life? Can you have hope that there’s a new, different, and better version of your life that doesn’t include something that, up til now, has been a defining piece of you?

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A Gemini Season New Moon, 2019


Try to make decisions more from a place of presence and intuition

The Gemini New Moon occurs on Monday, June 3rd and sets the stage for an exciting June. The new moon invites you to take a closer look at the inner conversations you’re having with yourself. Consider how you may be allowing habitual thought patters to take hold of you, to the point where you can’t separate them from your true inner voice. It can become so easy to start identifying with the constant words in your head – the ones that tell you what to do, where to go, and how you should word things in order to achieve a desired outcome from another. But take this time to hit pause and actually listen to the thoughts and beliefs you’ve been identifying with as of late. You may just find that your mind has been running an age’s old tape, one that was put together from a place of insecurity, fear, or lack of belief. And, now that outdated voice is calling the shots and making decisions on behalf of your future.

Now’s the time to use your mind for good. Do your best to become hyper aware of that voice in your head and pay close attention to its messages. Erase the ones that no longer serve your well-being and replace them with words of encouragement. Try to make decisions more from a place of presence and intuition. Ask yourself, does this choice feel good for me? Then, act from there.

Turn toward those who inspire you and support your goals. They may be teachers for you in how to rewire your thought patterns. And connect with those who show up for you during this process. If you’re living from a place of more presence, you make room to notice those around you more, as well as attract new or returning folks also living from that place. That’s the energy you want to be surrounded by right now. The people who have sucked your energy and optimism no longer have a place in your life.


During this new moon, set some new, mental intentions for yourself.

Examples are:

As you lay in bed to go to sleep at night, remember three moments from your day that fill you with gratitude.

Get a daily morning mantra (mine’s “Today is going to an amazing day!”)

Try some mirror affirmations before you finish getting ready in the morning.  Choose an empowering, self-affirming statement to repeat 5-10 times to yourself in the mirror before setting off on your day.

This new moon is really setting the stage for the rest of Gemini season and the transition we’ll be making in the second half of June when we swing into Cancer season. But this June kicks off with Gemini season, and it certainly did not come to play. When the sun’s moving through Gemini, it’s time to place communication and connection at the forefront. With others, for sure, but even more importantly with yourself. Specifically, this month wants you to pay attention to the relationship between your heart and head. How is what you’re feeling helping to guide your decisions? Are you giving more power to analysis than you are to instinct? And how are your choices affecting the bigger picture of where you want to head with the rest of this year, and with your life? Though Gemini is ruled by the mind and likes to get things done, it will be important to give weight to your heart’s desires. That is if you want to actualize the great opportunity for growth and transformation we all have available to us this year.

As we kick off this month, a bunch of planets are having loud, productive conversations with each other. Mercury and Jupiter are in a big old chat with Neptune, which asks you to turn toward stillness and silence when your mind tries to get the best of you. You must head toward making choices for your life that feel good for your well-being, and not toward what is simply sensible. This may involve some big risks, so you have to be clear in order for your gut to have a voice at the table. If you find yourself existing solely in your head, take what I call a “silence time out.” Close your eyes. Breathe and count slowly to ten. And then, just allow the leftover silence to float into your head, even if just for a moment, so you can be reminded that the words in there don’t rule you. In fact, you rule them. So, choose to fill your head with affirmations of personal growth, self-love, and acceptance. That’s how the mind can be a tool instead of your leader.


We are all being called to level up in some way and to take more responsibility for our dreams and goals in 2019

If allowed, thoughts will just talk your fears and doubts and decisions into circles without achieving any results or insights. Most of the time, our thoughts are fueled by doubt or worry. And neither should have a voice when making important life decisions. If you need some more help detaching from those thoughts, go and get some ‘out in the world’ experience and let outer connection fuel your current round of self-inquiry. Get yourself into nature and let it guide you back toward inner harmony. You may also talk to someone trusted about what’s going on so that you can get a new perspective on your situation. Or, just simply turn away from asking your “self” and ask spirit for some guidance. Then, get quiet and keep your eyes wide open to the symbols and signs being shown your way. And really trust them when they show up!

Neptune, the planet that rules all things spirit, is also actively chatting it up with Venus, Saturn, and Pluto at the start of the month, informing more of the greater transformation at hand for this year. In some way, we are all being called to level up in some way and to take more responsibility for our dreams and goals in 2019. As mentioned earlier, consider and perhaps be inspired by those who show up for you around the new moon and the week following. Let your interactions show you whose energy doesn’t mix well with yours and do what you can to create some distance there. There will be others who feel like kin and will remind you that you aren’t alone in the struggle. Those are the ones to partner with in June. Know that a lot of us are out there, deep in the trenches of self-discovery and personal growth with you, so it’s okay to ask for an empathetic hand when you need one. And, they may even have some wisdom, a clue, or a job to share with you.


Let your intuitive self be the ruler of the roost this month

Though June does want you to focus your energy inward more, you can’t help but to collaborate and explore when needed. Again, trust your gut instincts when it comes to the people you encounter and the places you go. I can’t stress enough how important it is right now to let your intuitive self be the ruler of the roost this month. It will be easy to let your mind be the guide. It’s what we have all grown to trust and know, and Gemini thrives in it. But you have to learn to use it for good. And your highest self does not exist in a bubble near your brain. It’s sourced from spirit. Others may think you’re nuts when you’re guided by your inner light because some of your moves just won’t make sense to them. But, trust within yourself is all you truly need. And if you don’t trust a move, by the way, then don’t make it. No one is saying you must change now. Transformation can be slow. Evolution didn’t happen in one night. But you can make some forward motion this month if you challenge yourself to lean optimistically toward your dreams.

In all, don’t be afraid to let the world see the authentic you this month. No one is perfect or has it all figured out. And we all need the help of others to get by. But remember, it starts with the help we give ourselves. Do what you can to use that little voice in your head to send words of loving kindness your way. Look directly into your eyes each and every day and say, “I love you. I got you.” It all starts there.

That Capricorn Full Moon When You Can’t Avoid The Change At Hand


I recently had a dream where I was bitten by a bat. My hubby, the Aquarius, and I were sleeping and I noticed this little bat with bright red eyes perched in the corner of the room. He looked evil, intense, and I was sorta terrified. I knew I had to get it out of the house. But when I went to try and usher it out, it flew right at me and bit my hand. I could feel the pain of its bite, and there were two pinpricks of blood. It then landed on a wall nearby and just continued to stare at me, with those bright red eyes. I asked it, “Why did you do that?” It just glared. I woke up from the dream, and curiously still felt the numbness of its bite on my hand.

I thought about how the bat is a symbol of change and rebirth for me. It has shown up in various animal card readings, and it has appeared as a spirit animal when I have done some shamanic journeying work. So I figured its return had something to do with me needing to shift and evolve. Maybe I needed to do a new shamanic journey and reach out to it. However, I didn’t.


Weeks later, I was hiking with a good friend and fellow Aries, who’s also a fantastic reservoir of spiritual connection for me. We had been talking about all things life and love, and I brought up the bat dream to her. “I’m thinking maybe it was about me really needing to focus on making some changes in myself. And that I need to take another shamanic journey.” Just then, my friend’s mouth dropped and her eyes told me to turn around. I did and saw a jeep with a large bat symbol on its hood. I mean, literally covering half of the hood. I turned back to my friend, who still had the same look on her face. We laughed. “I guess I do need to do those things, huh?”

Later that week, I went to my hubby’s shamanic journey circle and had a wonderful meet up with my bat guide. He told me that I needed to change, and then he killed me, which I guess is pretty common in these types of meditative experiences (if you haven’t journeyed, definitely check it out!) That death was symbolic of the transition I’m currently in, from the outdated version of me into a new, more focused me. And I believe it was setting me up for this current astrological landscape.


Today marks the Capricorn Full Moon, and it’s a doozy. It’s going to be conjunct Pluto, which means both the moon and Pluto will be in the sign of Capricorn, conjoining and amplifying each other’s energies. And together, they will oppose the Sun and Mars, who are conjunct in Cancer. So what the hell does all that mean?

Basically, it’s time to see how bat, or your own inner guide, has been trying to speak to you and nurture you toward some kind of personal shift. Full moons are all about release, so there is some area in your life that is ready for a purging. And with that connection to Pluto, it’s in a big way. This is some “My soul needs this right now” business. And your heart needs it. You’ve either been in the throes of learning how to love yourself better or have been avoiding that process altogether. Either way, it is time to commit to loving you and paying attention to what you need. Your life is offering you signs to help mark the path, but are you paying attention?

Gone are the days of just standing back and waiting for permission to move forward or for someone to come along and hand the answer to you.

You are the answer.

The Mars/Sun component is also lending you a sense of urgency, like “I need to figure this out now.” And well, you do. Gone are the days of just standing back and waiting for permission to move forward or for someone to come along and hand the answer to you. You are the answer. Spirit is here to help in the form of meditations, dreams, and omens. So if you’ve ever dabbled in having a connection to spirit, now’s the time to commit, in whatever way works for you. Take you and the things that interest you much more seriously. No one else is going to do so until you do the same. And you deserve to feel purposeful with your life.

Jupiter is also finally moving forward, bringing some movement to areas of our lives that may have felt a little slow to get going. But don’t worry if things aren’t manifesting right away, even when you’re focusing your energy toward the things you’re supposed to be doing. As Lana Del Rey sings, “It’s enough just to make you go crazy.” And it is, but try to be like a Lana song and take it slow. Trust that the momentum is building because you are working toward building the thing that feels authentic to you.


Most importantly, take care of yourself. We are in Cancer season, so you got to love you. You got to enjoy life and not beat yourself up for it. You got to feel all the feels and be okay with it. Take a bath. Enjoy a walk in nature near water. Play your favorite jams and sing along. Be a lady who lunches. Life is what you make it, so make it gorgeous and fun.

Remember, you create the shift and change in your life. Sometimes, you may need a bat to come along and bite you, just to stun you into seeing that you’re veering slightly off task. But the bat, or the change it represents, isn’t there to hurt you. Change is there to push you toward expansion and growth on some level. So utilize this full moon to help you release the deep emotional intensity that has been building up inside of you so that you can fully transform and move forward as your most full, inner-loving self.

That Cancer New Moon When Pluto Was All the Rage


The Cancer New Moon lands in the midst of all this Pluto business, asking us to begin again from a place of emotional stability and grounded sense of self

Did we all see that Pluto is back? Yes, after being demoted from planet to “dwarf planet” status, Pluto is in the news again thanks to the astonishing photos that have come back from NASA’s New Horizons probe. It has reinvigorated the discussion amongst astronomers and scientists around Pluto and its planetary classification. For me, Pluto never went away. In fact, as an astrologer, one of the first planetary placements I look at in a chart is Pluto. Pluto offers insight into what one’s greatest soul transformation will entail for this lifetime. That’s some heavy shit. We should all know in what area of our lives we are meant to change in the deepest way. It also gives us a sense of the role change will play for us in general. Are you good or bad at change? Will change affect you most in work, relationships, or home? How we relate to change allows us to see how we relate to the ebb and flow of life.

It’s no surprise to me that Pluto is taking center stage, since astrologically speaking, it is incredibly active right now. Pluto, which is currently transiting Capricorn, is directly opposing Mercury and Mars in Cancer. That means we are trying to take steps to actualize ideas that we’ve had brewing in our heads, but it’s a slower, more emotionally connected process. We aren’t just diving in. And that is partly because Cancer slows us down a bit. It wants us to make sure our heart is in every decision. The other part is that Pluto is challenging us to look at life’s bigger picture. Is everything we’re trying to make happen serving our soul’s purpose or are we just trying to appease some ego bullshit? Uranus is also activated in all of this, urging us to approach everything from our own unique perspective. We can’t just go along with whatever everyone else thinks is best, or even approach things from what has been our typical status quo style. Instead, we must make sure to assert our own soulful leanings in all of our actions and be certain that we are steering our own life’s ship.


Define your personal integrity and make sure that everything you do moving forward supports that definition

The Cancer New Moon lands in the midst of all this Pluto business, asking us to begin again from a place of emotional stability and grounded sense of self. Take a deep breath and ask yourself what really matters to you. Define your personal integrity and make sure that everything you do moving forward supports that definition. How have you been asleep in your life? What areas have you been ignoring because you just don’t want to put in the work to change them? Well, with Pluto here, you either need to use this new moon energy to create new habits and start a new cycle sans whatever you know is supposed to be dumped by the wayside right now, or be forced to make the change later. And the forced way is usually never the fun way. So what do you need to be doing to take better care of yourself, and to be making sure that everything you’re trying to make happen right now truly matters to you?

Let’s take a brief look at each of the signs for greater clarity:

Continue reading “That Cancer New Moon When Pluto Was All the Rage”

That Taurus New Moon When You Pull It Together


Manifest the true transformation at hand

If you’ve been paying attention to my blog, or just the world of astrology in general, you’ve seen that the month of April was quite, as us professionals call it, a shit show. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra that started to make us all feel a bit crazy. But it was even more so the huge square, or cross, that four planets were creating in the sky with their placements. Uranus, Pluto, Jupiter, and Mars have all been connecting in a way that has been pushing us to get more in tune with our authenticity so that we can manifest the true transformation at hand. You know, no big deal. Just some total soul reclamation type shit!

For me, life has been a whirlwind during these last few weeks. I haven’t been able to keep up with everything that needs to get done. It’s as if the planets have me running a giant life obstacle course right now. However, in the past when feeling overwhelmed, I would allow my frustration to get the best of me and thus sabotage some of my work or personal life. The problem was that I was always focused more on the mistakes of the past or what I was hoping to see happen in the future. That’s how I would relate to my present so everything would be filtered through that, causing chaos. Lately, I’ve been able to shift my perspective so that I can accept my present moment for what it is. With this personal alteration, I am better equipped to run the obstacle course. I don’t trip and fall (as much).


The New Moon in Taurus is here to solidify and ground us into the next chapter of our lives

Have you also been feeling the intensity of these last few weeks? Finding that you’re more upset than usual? Or just stressed, usually because of other people’s mistakes or slow response time to your needs? Well, hopefully like me, you have approached it with a new sense of self. You have seen a bolder, braver, and more patient you step forward to address the issues at hand. Or at least, you have had the thoughts percolate inside that would invite such a change. Well, don’t worry if you haven’t stepped up just yet. Just because April is ending doesn’t mean you don’t still have time to tap into the great energy of change that has been sweeping through. In fact, this week is the perfect time to get into the groove of a new you and make it real.

The New Moon in Taurus is here to solidify and ground us into the next chapter of our lives and being. Taurus is all about tangibility, so it’s time to show your life how you can assert the new you in a more practical way. The new habits should be settling in and taking effect. And it’s also an eclipse, which amplifies its energy in a big way! So if there are new jobs, relationships, or additions to your home, now is the time to really dig into them with gusto and own your need for them in your life. Anything that is unnecessary to this new growth cycle for you should be minimized or completely gone. What should be left are the seeds for a greater, more brilliant chapter of your life. So get to planting, watering, or harvesting what you’ve grown. The proof is in the putting, so put yourself to the test.

Let’s dig a little deeper into each sign:

Continue reading “That Taurus New Moon When You Pull It Together”

It’s 2013! What the Hell Are You Doing With Your Life?


The universe has given us a shared language in astrology

I recently went to see a planetarium show at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.  It was a show I had seen before, about the birth of the cosmos and the history of astronomy.  In the past, I had found it to be visually lovely and rather entertaining.  But this time, I was more so affected by the narrative content of the piece.  In particular, I was struck by the fact that ancient civilizations like the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians saw astrology to be the same as astronomy.  The zodiac was established and used to study the night sky but was also used as a tool for how to live one’s best life.  It was all essentially a uniform science that we, over time, have created a separation for.  Astronomy has become considered true science while astrology just a charming and, to some, silly ideology.  And, it’s a shame really.  Because something rooted in such human history, as well as in nature, shouldn’t be looked down upon because we have entered into a world ruled by technology.  Our relationship with the natural world should be our most important.  And if the universe has given us a shared language in astrology, then we should all take an interest in it so we can each better understand our own personal nature.

There is a powerful scent of “what is the bigger picture for my life” in the air for all of us right now

As I have spent the past few days deeply pondering all of this, I was intrigued to find that Pluto, the God of all things profound, and Mercury, the communicator, were meeting up for a conjunction in Capricorn, the sign of serious ambition and goal-attainment.  That means, in astrological terms, that it all makes more sense that I would be immersed in grand thoughts about the cosmos and the meaning of it all.  It would also make sense why I spent yesterday morning on a call with my Capricorn friend, who wanted to discuss the deeper meanings of his romantic life.  And also why a group of my friends and I got together last night to start organizing an action plan on how we were going to accomplish our big goals for the year.  This is some serious life realness we have going on right now!  There is a powerful scent of “what is the bigger picture for my life” in the air for all of us right now, so we all must take a big ass inhale and breathe it in.

Continue reading “It’s 2013! What the Hell Are You Doing With Your Life?”

It’s Time for Some YOU Realness.

As we gear up for the end of the year (or to some, what could be the end of the world), it’s best to take assessment of where we’re at with ourselves.  And more importantly, where we seek change and who can best help us to attain it.  Because for the most part, that’s what we’re all feeling now – a need to make change somewhere in our lives.  And this feeling is coming from the gut, up.  I get more into this, and offer a more specific assessment on my thoughts for the 2012/2013 shift in an interview I did for my friend Drew’s website, Open Doorway Reflections (  But for now, I want to remind each of you reading this that you must not ignore whatever call is coming up inside of you at this time.  And if you’re not entirely feeling something yet, give it ten days.  That’s when the Sun will meet Pluto in Capricorn, and we will all be activated to look at the bigger picture of our lives.  Yes, it’s the end of the year and we all start to go through that process around this time of the year.  But right now, it means more than ever.  So don’t ignore it.

Continue reading “It’s Time for Some YOU Realness.”

Are You Walking with a Ghost?

Are you going to recognize the change and live it, or will you be a ghost in your own life?

Recently, I was at the gym, working on my fitness and pondering the various questions of my life.  I was thinking about work, about my health, and about my need to make some important mentality shifts.  I had already been in the headspace of change, as I had been thinking about Pluto and Saturn and the recent moves they had each made.  And given that these planets are all about transformation in our lives, I knew that I was in the midst of metamorphosis.  So as I finished up my tricep pushdowns and moved over to a back machine, all of my mental lingering led me to a sudden thought that I was compelled to jot down.  I quickly pulled out my phone and used my ‘Notes’ feature to write out the following:

“It’s time to commit to the transformation.  There is no turning back.  Turning back doesn’t even equal death because the death has already occurred.  The change is in place.  Are you going to recognize the change and live it, or will you be a ghost in your own life?”

I was immediately struck by the idea of being “a ghost in your own life”.  I thought of how so many of us refuse to meet a change, or death, in life.  Whether it’s the end of a relationship or the loss of a loved one or even growing up into an adult, we can all find it hard to let go and move on at times.  But still, life moves on without us.  Yet we remain stuck in our outdated beliefs and mentalities.  And like ghosts, we wander through our present day lives responding from a place, a feeling, of the past.  The pain of long ago haunts our current relationships and work lives, making for weighted, poor decision making.  And then we wonder why we’re unhappy.  Why things won’t change and get better.  Well, until we realize that we are producing our current reality from a place of pain – one that has been festering in our psyches for far too long – we won’t be able to fully and cleanly move into the next chapter of our lives.  And right now, we are all feeling the ache to manifest change in a major way.  That’s because Saturn is knocking at our door and Pluto is rumbling under our feet.

As Rupaul says, “The time has come for you to lip-sync.  For your life.”  So let’s get to it.

What does this new phase bring for you?

Continue reading “Are You Walking with a Ghost?”