That Libra New Moon When You Really Pulled Yourself Together


The future self you’ve always dreamed of becoming can finally be the you of now

I recently went back into therapy and am so glad that I did. First off, going to therapy does not make one crazy. I would hope at this point, the stigma around therapy is old news. And in all honesty, I wear the fact that I go with pride. I believe that anyone who is willing to sit in a room with a stranger and be vulnerable for an hour will only make themselves a better person in their actual real world relationships. It also offers the opportunity to dissect yourself in a way that purges your mentality of old modes of operation. For me, there are just some outdated ways of seeing myself that I am ready to be rid of for good. There is only so many years that I can allow the traumas of a childhood gone by to help dictate my responses to the world I inhabit now. It’s time to relate to myself in a new way.

The Libra New Moon is here to help shepherd in a new, advanced level of relating to yourself, with the specific goal of restoring balance to your emotional equilibrium. What areas of your life are consuming you, perhaps causing you to ignore or avoid other, just as important areas of your life? Do you also have old ways of seeing yourself that need to be banished once and for all? Can you really use this moment in time to take stock of where you’re emotionally stagnant? If you have been craving movement in one area of your life but just haven’t seen it, you may want to pause and consider how you truly relate to yourself when it comes to that part of you.


Let’s say that you are feeling stuck in your relationship life. Consider the story you’ve grown accustomed to in your head when it comes to your love life. “It’ll never happen.” “Maybe it’s just not for me.” Or you could be saying to everyone, “I’m happy on my own and it’ll happen when it happens”, but then rush home to cry while you secretly eat a tub of ice cream and watch Sex and The City reruns. You may be connecting some sort of shame or internalized guilt to your love life, thus building a wall up around that part of you. No one can penetrate the “I’m going to be alone forever” wall. They say love comes along when you’re not looking, and that is true. It’s because you are so content in all areas of your life and have such a pure, loving relationship with yourself, that you aren’t focusing any negativity into that part of you. You are loving yourself so much that someone is able to notice and say, “Damn, I want to love that person too.”

So what part of you isn’t being fostered as much as it should be, causing an imbalance in your life? Your friendships or family? Your work life? Your larger, life purpose goals? Your spirituality? Identify which piece(s) of you need attention and care and make a list of possible old mentality habits you have around those areas. You may also just need to make some forward thinking goals in those areas. For love, consider one goal to be, “I am going to date myself for a month”. Allow yourself to fall head over heels in love with you. Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Libra – I’m looking at you primarily for that one.


Now is an amazing time to dust whatever sadness you have been carrying around off of your shoulders. You no longer have to carry that burden around with you. The idea that you have to be everything to everyone is a lie. You owe one person your full attention, and that is you. So really use this time. Get still with yourself and ask the hard questions. Where are you falling behind for yourself? Then think long and hard about why you can’t seem to give a certain area of your life enough love. It may stem back to some childhood trauma of yours that you thought was long gone by. Well, old habits don’t die easy, but with time and attention, they will die. And then you can truly start to relate to yourself from a new place of self-acceptance and understanding. The future self you’ve always dreamed of becoming can finally be the you of now. You deserve that. I deserve that. We all deserve that.

Happy Libra New Moon!

That Pisces Full Moon When You Found a Feather


The Pisces Full Moon is one that asks you to give over to the flow of your path

Years ago, my man and I were in Granada, Spain, and we decided to go out in search of this hotel that was supposed to have the most remarkable view. We didn’t remember the name of it. All we knew was that it was across the way from the ancient and well-known fortress, The Alhambra. Our American brains figured it would be a breeze. The Alhambra is situated on the highest hilltop overlooking the city. We contemplated a cab but figured the walk would be more scenic. And it seemed relatively easy to find. We could see it up above so the idea was to just keep walking up. So we ventured out, taking winding streets that eventually got narrower and less populated. After about forty minutes of twisting and turning, we had lost sight of the Alhambra and started to feel lost ourselves. So we argued. “We should’ve just taken the cab.” “What were we thinking?” “Are we going to get mugged?” “Should we turn around?” It was not looking good. But still, something inside me said that it would all be fine. Not to worry. And it was then that I saw it. A feather.

I once read that finding a feather meant that you were on your path. It was a shaman’s omen, a touchable north star. So in that moment of real concern, a spiritual reminder of presence was necessary. “Look, a feather”, I said, pointing to a feather lying at the tip of a road. My man was like, “So.” I told him of the significance and being the hippies we are, he softened. “Okay, so we should head in the direction of it?” he wondered. I nodded and we continued on our way. From that point on, instead of embracing fear, we embraced wonder. Strange streets became interesting paths of street art and the occasional burst of music from a nearby window. And there were more feathers, which we would excitedly point out to each other. After about another twenty minutes or so, we turned a corner and saw it. The Hotel Alhambra Palace. We cheered and hugged. Soon, we were lounging on their terrace with a gorgeous rose and a breathtaking view of the entire city. We had given over to our path, not given up, and found ourselves in paradise.

Whatever roads you end up on are leading you toward your goals

The Pisces Full Moon is one that asks you to give over to the flow of your path. The fact that it coincides with a Lunar Eclipse only intensifies its energy, calling you to be a braver version of yourself. And it all occurs while you navigate through this current Mercury Retrograde in Virgo, which may have you all tongue-tied in the brain. But you must find grounding in the core of yourself and know that if you can be still within, whatever roads you end up on are leading you toward your goals. It’s when you get so caught up in questioning and overthinking that you fall off the path. That’s when we all turn around and miss what is calling us forward. And I would’ve been so bummed if I had missed that beautiful journey with my man, and that view. And that rose! So we must all be better about wading through our brain poop so that we can really get in touch with the spirit’s true agenda at hand.

A full moon is a time of fulfillment, so right now is an opportunity to ignite the fuse of closure around something in your life. Primarily, given the Pisces/Virgo connection, it’s when you must align what you want inside with what’s going on outside. How are you really taking care of yourself and finally going for what you know you want out of your life? Can you completely let go of the mental and emotional blockages that are keeping you from staying the path? Is it truly time to trust in your heart what you know is meant for you and allow it into your life? When you can get out of your own way by getting out of your head and fully into the world around you, you can take the time to notice the feathers at your feet. And those feathers are spirit telling you that all is okay. You can find your way.


Let this post be a feather for you.

Here are some deeper insights for each sign. And read your rising sign as well, as that can offer up more and sometimes even greater insight into your current state. And if you don’t know yours, I can try to help you find it out. Just hit me up!

Continue reading “That Pisces Full Moon When You Found a Feather”