That Sagittarius Full Moon When Caitlyn Jenner Showed Us the Way


Living is giving the world your most authentic you, all the time, in the moment

As you all know by now, Caitlyn Jenner has been introduced to the world, and she is pretty damn gorgeous. Many are shouting praise for her bravery, while others scoff at her decision. Some may even go so far as to say cruel, nasty things about her and her transition. Yes, I am looking at you, Fox News. However, in the end, none of it really matters to her process. Yes, it’s amazing for her to feel the support. She deserves it. And really, Caitlyn is forging major change in the mainstream world with her courageous and very public transformation. Personally, I’m in awe of her. Yet, what matters most is that she is making time in her precious life to live in the entirety of her truth. Whether she does so in front of billions or was doing so in a small town, it doesn’t fully matter to her life journey. What matters is that she is finally allowing herself to exist in her complete authenticity. And that is what we should all aspire to do.

We all must live in our unique truth. But to do so, we must first explore, then understand, and ultimately accept the nature of our unique truth. Some of us are afraid to probe too deeply. We accept the realities of our lives as they are presented to us and ignore the voices inside, urging us to live differently, more freely. We become afraid of what our families, our friends, our peers, our churches, our businesses will think of us. We cower from the honesty in our hearts to appease the eyes of those around us. But that is not living. Living is giving the world your most authentic you, all the time, in the moment.


The confusions in your life are illusions

The Sagittarius Full Moon wants to inspire you to release your most authentic self onto the world. Now, you may be saying, “I am me. This is it.” But then in another breath, you go on about how you’re confused about your career, or your relationship, or how to best manage your health. And that is because you are fighting a silent war with your truth. The Sagittarius Full Moon wants to remind you that the confusions in your life are illusions. You just need to wave them away with some honest self-reflection. And a good old-fashioned chat with a trusted somebody never hurt either.

So, where are you in the process? Perhaps you need to explore a bit more into what exactly is your authentic truth. Get quiet with yourself. Ask some questions. “Do I love the direction of my life?” Do I love me in all that I do?” Maybe you have explored further and have that deeper knowledge. Now, how do you grow to understand it better so you can put it into action? How do you gain the complete acceptance so that you can just live it openly? Don’t beat yourself up for not having all the answers now. Mercury is in retrograde so now is a good time to keep exploring. But be in the question until you are fully able to live the answer. And, if like Caitlyn, you’re already there, then keep on being the ultimate example. We all need a light to follow.

Let’s look a little more deeply at each sign and how this full moon could affect you:

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