This New Moon Wants You Eating Cookies and Feeling Sexy


This Virgo New Moon is one of healing

Back in late April, I started this new exercise and diet regimen. Initially, I wanted to get myself into good shape for a destination wedding in Mexico. That wasn’t only to look and feel good on the beach, but also because I was officiating the ceremony and needed to look cute in my suit. So I ate and I worked out very strictly for six days a week and then allowed myself a cheat day on Sunday. Though the diet did help me in achieving my goals, it also created this really screwed up mentality. Since I had told myself that Sunday was my only day of food freedom, I would get to it and eat whatever the hell I could get my hands on. And if I couldn’t find my way to the right brunch or bucket of French fries, than I would feel as if I’d failed myself. As if I’d squashed my golden opportunity. Thus, I usually ended the day full but unsatisfied.

I have kept the diet going but, in the last few weeks, something has shifted. I grew tired of beating myself up. I grew tired of allowing food to have so much authority over my feelings (tale as old as time). And I grew tired of wanting a sandwich on a Wednesday afternoon and telling myself “no”. So I’ve slowly found a way to get off the strict regimen. Or more so, I’ve created a new, more balanced one. Yes, I still see Sunday as my cheat day, but I also let myself eat carbs on Tuesday if I want to. I also still work out six days a week, but that is just a necessary tool for my general well being. There’s still a routine, but it doesn’t involve me ever feeling like a failure. And it has helped me to feel healthier as well as gain a stronger relationship with my body and body image. For the first time in my life, I’m eating cookies and feeling sexy. And for me, that’s a personal breakthrough and a miracle.


Everything you do should be an act of kindness for your soul

This Virgo New Moon is one of healing. And it wants to help you craft a daily routine that will give you the chance to break through one or more of your self-imposed walls. Saturn, the planet of our greatest limitations, and Mars, the planet of action, have joined up in Scorpio, pushing you to charge forth through an outdated fear and create some powerful inner change. And they make a connection to Venus in Leo, which is about relating to the world in a bold, confident way. So during the new moon time, it’s key that you service your physical well being, but not at the mercy of your spirit. Everything you do should be an act of kindness for your soul. That ranges from what you eat to what you tell yourself in your head when you “mess up”. This is not an easy process. Making change is never simple. But when it comes to loving yourself, it’s paramount.

So for this new moon, I want you all to take a look at your daily routine. Consider what it could be missing. What one thing should you do every day to help strengthen your sense of self? And how can you work to maintain a commitment to sustain it? Challenge yourself for the next two weeks to include something new into your daily life. And don’t take a cheat day. Whatever it is, it should be something that gives you spiritual breath to soar.

Let’s take a look at each sign for an idea on what you could add into your life until the full moon on September 8th. And remember to read your rising sign too, if you know it:

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A Super Full Moon, and It’s Way Bigger Than You.


We are here to affect our lives, but more importantly, the lives of those around us.

It’s a full moon in Aquarius. It’s happening right now. And it’s a Supermoon, which means it’s the closest full moon we’ll physically have to the earth this year. So, the effects of it can be pretty great. And pretty strong. For as the moon affects the ocean’s tides, it also affects the inner tides of our being. And with it being in Aquarius, we have to strive to focus its energy outward. We can’t just sit on it and keep it within. So what is this moon about then?

Well, we’ve moved into a Leo state, which can make us all a bit self-absorbed. And we should be, to a degree. We have ideas, goals, and responsibilities to tackle. Some of us are starting new chapters in various areas of our lives while others of us are closing the door on outdated ways of being. So we have to have some focus on us and what we need. But let’s not lose sight of the fact that we are spiritual beings. That means we can’t get lost in the ideas, goals, and responsibilities to a point that we forget that they are all just experiences we must take on in order to evolve. It’s not about the thing. It’s about what doing the thing has to teach us. And in turn, how it plays into our greater mission. And at the end of the day, our greater mission isn’t just about us. We are here to affect our lives, but more importantly, the lives of those around us.


You are bigger than your life. Don’t ever forget it.

I had the pleasure of spending a recent afternoon with my mom, an Aquarius. And as we sat chowing down on gluten-free empanadas and drinking almond milk lattes (cuz that’s how we roll), my mom told me how she had sparked to a realization. “I am in everyone’s life for a reason. Yours, your father’s, your sisters.”, she told me. “We came together into this life for something that’s not just about me.” Smiling, I agreed. Yes, we aren’t just here to get ours and get out. We are here as messengers to the ones we share our days with, and vice versa. And the Aquarius Full Moon is the perfect time to honor that. And to be in the now of whatever contracts we set up and with whom in this lifetime. And to do so in a way that is still in alignment with that soul mission you know in your gut is yours to master.

What is your soul mission? And how are you working to make it not just about you? Remember, it’s bigger than that. You are bigger than your life. Don’t ever forget it. And upon reading this, do something that honors it.

And now for some greater clarity for each sign, here is some astrology realness:

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