The Madonna In You, Under a Full Moon

Release your inner Madonna and go beyond the sky

During a not too long ago therapy session, I was asked if I had any sort of power symbol for myself.  Immediately, Madonna came to mind, but I felt like that was actually too silly or cliché to say out loud.  But saying “lion” or some sort of gemstone felt a little forced.  After pondering in silence for far too long, I apologetically mentioned to my therapist that all I could muster up was an image of the diva.  He asked me not to judge my choice.  “Madonna is a perfect power symbol for you”, he said.  “For anyone.”  We then got into a discussion about what she represented for me and why those qualities were ones that were of importance for me.  Confidence.  Perseverance.  Creative bravery.  These are all very valuable characteristics for anyone to aspire to and cherish in life.  And I, like a number of primarily women and gay men, happen to adore a woman who encompasses all of these features.

This weekend, Madonna premieres the film of her latest concert tour on TV, and some early clips have been released online.  In watching with a friend, I found myself completely mesmerized.  But unlike my friend, who threw some side-eye, I was able to overlook the shaky vocals that were coming from her mouth.  I mean, come on, she’s Madonna.  She’s been doing this shit for thirty years.  So for me, the sum of it all is flawless.  She can do no wrong.  And regardless of how good or bad she sounds, she is a 54 year-old woman who still finds new career mountains to climb and pushes herself beyond the limitations of what society and history has deemed appropriate for a woman of her age.  You see, for her, there is no ceiling on the room of her life.  Madonna goes directly through the invisible roof, though some may continue to criticize her for it.  Because Madonna sees that the end goal is always evolving.  For this, we should all have some sort of power symbol like her.  We should all be brave enough to see life through the lens of unlimited potential.  Thankfully, the Capricorn full moon is here to aid us in our own personal expansion.

Our goal must be to manifest the vision we have for our future

Capricorn is a grounded energy that is concerned with the future.  Capricorn wants us to create long-term goals and be responsible for seeing them through.  And most importantly, Capricorn is concerned with our life purpose or destiny.  Its energy wants us to push past our fears and limitations so that we achieve our most optimal expression of self.  We are not here to just dream about what we want until we die, leaving us in our last moments to wish we had achieved the great thing we knew was inside of us.  Our goal must be to manifest the vision we have for our future, thus actualizing our dreams into reality.  Sure, this all means we have to buckle down and do a hell of a lot of work.  But when you’re working on something that your soul’s passion is connected to, it doesn’t feel so much like work.  It feels like art.  It feels like magic.  It feels like fun.  And shouldn’t you be having some damn fun?

This full moon is about your need to exhibit some expression of your long-term goals.  All of us are currently thinking and feeling more passionately about something that reflects our greater ambitions, whether it is a creative project, our home, our children, or our career.  But it isn’t enough to just have that going on in your internal world where only you can experience it.  You must project it out in some way as an offering toward your future potential.  Whether it’s talking about it, sharing what you’ve already done, or committing to it in a way that takes it from the dream to what you’re actually doing with your life, you must concede to its power and take it on.  You may have been working on something great but have been apprehensive or slow to show it to others.  Now would be the time to invite others in and take responsibility for what you’re building – own the destiny you want to have and plant your stake in the ground.  Whatever the case, release your inner Madonna and go beyond the sky.  From there, you can release your bigger dreams out into the world in a way that the entire Universe can see and take part in a round of applause for you.  You deserve it.

For some additional clarity, let’s get into each of the signs more specifically.  And if you know your rising sign, read that as well:

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Permission Granted To Be Your Crazy Self

You have to give yourself permission

Last night, I had the pleasure of reading a lovely new client. Being an Aries rising, she had a lot of the current Gemini energy moving through her 3rd House, the house of communication. As we discussed how she could get more deeply in touch with her passions and goals, I found myself using the same phrase over and over. “You have to give yourself permission.” We can have ideas for what we want in life or how we want to spend our time, but then we allow judgment to overcome our every “silly” whim so that we ultimately suppress potential avenues for our truest expression. We don’t give ourselves the permission to explore. And some of us may not even know what it is we’re passionate about yet. Not everyone is born with the idea of what they want to be when they grow up. So if we don’t tell ourselves that it’s okay to pursue every idea, despite what society, family, or what-have-you has taught you to think, then we are barricading ourselves from what could be the path we should walk down in order to actualize our truest self.

With this weekend’s Gemini new moon, we must offer ourselves a new mental vision for our lives. It must be filled with inspiration but also compassion. And we have to make sure that our spirit is involved, or else we will just get steamrolled by our old ways of thinking, which have grown powerful over the years. If we can give ourselves those gifts of clarity and self-love, we will find that we can harness and communicate ideas for the next phase of our lives in a way that is both intuitive and responsible.

Let’s face it, the main reasons that we don’t express ourselves entirely, whether they are ideas for a new line of work, our feelings in a relationship, or how we feel about our bodies, are that we are afraid of complete honesty and don’t want to be held accountable for what we say. We don’t trust ourselves enough to say and do the right thing. This must stop. We must give the man or woman in the mirror the permission to be brave and step firmly into truth, or else we are just auto-piloting our lives. And what the hell good is that?

Become more aware of the words you use in your mind before you speak

As stated, Gemini is all about the mind. But it’s also how we translate the mind. So with this new moon, not only are we geared toward a new mental outlook on ourselves but also on how we communicate it. First, become more aware of the words you use in your mind before you speak. If you can become more conscious with yourself, then you can offer a greater cognizance in your relations with others. And again, as we are looking to approach life with more of a responsible, adult-like spirit, we have to choose our words with that level of maturity. That way, we can take ourselves more seriously and be seen by others in the same way.

Let’s look more closely at each sign and how you can best make use of this weekend’s Gemini new moon:

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