Speak the Truth or Get Off the Pot!

This Sagittarius full moon is all about releasing your enlightened truth out into the world

I am writing this from a Hacienda in Spain where my boyfriend and I are traveling for a wedding.  At the rehearsal dinner, one of the grooms and I were chatting about the full moon, which will be hitting directly just some hours after he and his partner exchange their vows.  “What does it mean?” he asked.  “It’s in Sagittarius”, I told him.  “Speak the truth.”  His eyes got very wide.  Later, as I sat on a poolside lounge chair staring up at the rising moon, his partner came over to ask how I was doing.  “I heard what you said about the full moon.  Speak the truth you said.”  I nodded.  “That’s all you can do with this one.”  He also widened his eyes with the weight of that proposition.  Before we could get too much farther into it, we were interrupted and the conversation shifted.  But I was left to think that these two want to take this task on.  I mean, it’s their wedding.  The whole point is to stand up before your family and friends and state the honest to God truth about your feelings for the one you love.  And before a gay wedding, there has already been so much “coming clean” that has lead up to the event that the party should be the easy part.  (Or at least as easy as any wedding can be.)  But being honest is scary.  And most times, being honest to others isn’t as hard as being honest to your self.

This Sagittarius full moon is all about releasing your enlightened truth out into the world.  Sometimes we speak and think that we are speaking from our truth, but we’re actually not.  Instead, what we’re really doing is just talking to get through a situation.  We are talking for the sake of it rather than connecting to our more divine self and allowing our words to be guided from that place.  See, this full moon wants our spirit’s to be involved which makes honesty even harder to do.  Because of the current Gemini energy at play, our brains are also operating at a higher level right now, which means we can sometimes talk ourselves into believing a truth that isn’t entirely the case.  So, right now, we must work harder at connecting to our deeper selves so that we can be sure that our hearts and souls are involved along with our minds in making decisions.  Because we can make good decisions right now that can lead to sustainable paths for our current goals.  Again, it comes down to truth.

Come out of hiding about the truth of who you are

What area in your life needs your utmost truth right now?  Perhaps you are covering up the truth with thoughts like “It’s all gonna be alright” or “I’m fine” or “I don’t really believe that, I’m just being silly or fucking around” when you really want to be curling up in a ball and saying “Lord God, help me.”  Or you’re just not dealing with it at all and letting booze, drugs, or a fake relationship squash the pain.  You could also be facing it but feel that you’re struggling with the challenge.  Again, I ask you to turn to truth.

Come out of hiding about the truth of who you are.  Don’t be afraid to feel what you feel and speak what you know in your core to be true.  Show others the thoughts that exist behind the closed door of your mind.  And most importantly, be willing to tell yourself that you accept you with complete and utter love.  If you need to be a freak, so be it.  If you are afraid your friends won’t get it, fuck them.  If you’re partner doesn’t know something about you, share it now.  Because like begets like.  So enlightenment begets enlightenment.  And if you illuminate yourself, then you illuminate your world.  The lights on the path go on, and you can see more clearly where you need to go to make your dreams a reality.  And you can’t deny the truth of a situation because it is lit up for the whole world to see.  Yes, sometimes the truth is scary and painful, but it’s the only way to your personal destiny.  And if you’re reading this, I know that your goal is to find that destiny.

Let’s get a more specific sense of where in your life this could be affecting you:

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Do You Love Yourself, or Whisky and Cheetos More?

When it comes to placing value on our selves and our own personal needs, we can all look pretty damn cheap

I was recently giving a reading to someone and we got into a discussion about the second house, which rules all things material and money.  It’s also the house where Taurus usually lives.  As we dug into the state of her financial affairs, I urged her to also think of value and worth in a different way.  Perhaps this time in her life wasn’t about her raking in a pot of gold to then turn into a new house or car.  Or maybe it was.  However, in order for her to actualize that physical wealth, she was going to have to first get into contact with her own sense of internal wealth.  And after chiseling away at that notion, she got it.  She was making money but was unable to hold onto it in a meaningful way, because she wasn’t applying it towards things she personally valued.  Instead, she was putting it towards things that she felt she should have based on other people’s ideas for her life.  And this life isn’t about pleasing others.  It’s about coming into contact with what we inherently treasure, and then materializing that into existence.  This can be hard for a lot of us.  Because when it comes to placing value on our selves and our own personal needs, we can all look pretty damn cheap.

The relationship you have with money is a direct response to your own sense of self worth.  That doesn’t entirely mean that if you’re broke, you hate yourself.  What it does mean is that you have to become more aware of where you place value in your life and whether that is in alignment with the worth you place on yourself.  For instance, you may claim to value your health but then spend money on whisky and Cheetos.  Sure, a splurge is important and we all should have some fun.  But, if your idea of fun is getting drunk and licking that weird yellow dust off your fingers, then your personal values may be a little out of whack.


The Taurus new moon is here to help you hone in on where your sense of personal worth needs some attention

You must take stock of your life and become more vigilant about your choices and the messages they send back to your psyche.  Thankfully, the Taurus new moon is here to help you hone in on where your sense of personal worth needs some attention.  Once you better understand where your focus needs to be, it’s then a perfect time to plant seeds for new growth.  And hopefully, if you play your cards right, the Taurus new moon tree that grows for you will have some money dangling from it.

Taurus is about manifestation.  It’s about turning inspiration into the tangible.  Thus, the Taurus new moon is about sprouting those ideas into living, breathing reality.  And this one is powerful, as it has Mercury (thought, communication) and Mars (action) right behind it, pushing it toward optimal growth.  But again, note that nothing will fruit if you’re not in touch with what you need.  Or you will just have more of what you don’t want blossom, and then you’ll have an abundance of more to complain about in work, at home, etc.  So how in touch are you with what you truly value?  Are your actions in alignment with that?  What is the state of your personal integrity?  Do you need to make it stronger and, if so, how does happen?

Here’s a brief look at each sign, with the hopes of offering you some personal growth and a little realness:

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