That Full Moon When You Dared to be Different

Embrace your uniqueness to a point that you feel uncomfortable

I was very excited and overwhelmed when I found out that we are having two Aquarius full moons this year.  It’s not usual to have two full moons in the same sign in one year.  But occasionally, the world turns in a way that allows us to catch one at the very beginning and one at the very ending of a sign.  Being that I have a number of Aquarius’s in my life, including my mother and the man who I share my life with, I am pretty familiar with their energy.  It’s quirky, out-of-the-box, inventive, and a bit unpredictable.  In total, this can all translate to being rather exciting or extremely tiring.  Thus, the next month or so will be a bit of both.  I know, we’re all pretty exhausted from Mercury’s little stint in retrograde.  However, this will be a good kind of exhaustion.  It’s the kind of exhaustion that will stem from personal productivity toward an important goal rather than just sheer mental worry and confusion, which is something I’m sure all of us could use a break from right now.  Especially when that worry is built from trying to please everyone around us.

It’s interesting how much stock we all can put into how others perceive us.  We will all make important decisions for our lives based off of what we think other people will think of our choices.  Now that is some tiring shit.  I mean you’re already worrying about what you want.  Then, add the concern of what you think other people will think about what you want, and you’re totally wiped out from the stress of worrying about you and everyone else.  Well, Aquarius doesn’t have time for worry.  It wants you to embrace your uniqueness to a point that you feel uncomfortable.  That way, the thought of how others perceive you will vanish from the equation.  Aquarius simply thrives on being completely different from everyone else.  So with these two full moons, the rest of this summer is all about the need to own that special something we each possess inside.

Give over to the wave of your own crazy sexy coolness

You have to be okay with showing people who you really are.  Some may be shocked by how verbally passionate you seem to suddenly be about an issue or project.  Or they may wonder why you’re now deciding to go back to school or take up a seemingly odd hobby.  But the great thing is that you have no reason to care about what they think.  You are the only one on the path of your internal compass.  You are the only one who has to stand accountable to yourself at the end of the day.  And you are the only one who is in charge of your personal happiness.  So stand in your power and give over to the wave of your own crazy sexy coolness.  If you can, it will wash away the bullshit layer you have allowed others to place on your mind, your heart, and your life.  And from there, you can start the process of coming clean.

So know that this is a two-parter.  Again, we have another Aquarius full moon next month, so you have a lot to release around one aspect of yourself.  So start gently and prepare to get real.  Let’s take a closer look at how all this could work for you:

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Wine, A Bath, and The New Moon in Cancer


Cancer wants us to nurture ourselves so that we can move through our current life situations with a renewed sense of emotional calm and security

In preparing myself to write on this new moon in Cancer, I decided to kick back and relax with a glass of wine and a bath.  My boyfriend, the Aquarius, is traveling in Europe with family, and he was concerned that while home alone, I wasn’t taking care of myself.  So, I lit a candle, threw some bath salts in, paused for a moment to make sure I wasn’t becoming Liberace, and then started a Sia Genius mix on my ITunes.  After sinking in to the lavender scented water and polishing off half a glass of viognier, I started to think on Cancer and what the current energy around it meant for us all.  Cancer is home, family, personal roots, and our emotional foundation.  It’s a warm blanket, tea, and an oatmeal cookie.  Just then, Tori Amos’s A Sorta Fairytale began to waft over the speakers, and I started to sing.  But I only got a verse in before I found myself laughing.  Talk about a full-on Cancer moment.  Here I was, a Cancer moon myself, thinking about the sign while in the same moment basically bathing in the womb of its essence.  I had created a nest of comfort using so many of the things that calm me and bring me home, that I realized I didn’t have to go too far into the mind to feel what it is we all may need during this new moon time.

We must be willing to go deep into our emotional being and feel our way through the labyrinth of life.

Cancer wants us to nurture ourselves so that we can move through our current life situations with a renewed sense of emotional calm and security.  And this is never as easy as it reads on paper, especially when Mercury is in retrograde and going through the same sign.  Our minds are all a bit uncertain and afraid to commit to ideas and actions.  We think we know what we should do next, but we also aren’t sure we feel that it’s the right move to make.  It’s as if we need God to physically manifest in some form and point to the path we should take so we know exactly what to do.  And even then, we may still feel some questioning come in.  That’s the trick when Mercury is a little backwards and gets involved.  It covers up our heart with the sharp swords of mental thought.  Our heart may feel one way, but our internal words question it with doubt.  And if allowed, they can do so until we crumble ourselves in ruin.  We must be willing to go deep into our emotional being and feel our way through the labyrinth of life.  That is the only way to get out and into the truth of our happiness, where real serenity lives.  That is the only way to use this Cancer energy for good so that you can start anew, with confidence.

Choose to move forward and learn from everything you do, the successes and the mistakes

The sign of Cancer is also connected to the past, which at a new moon time can be challenging and rewarding.  This last week, I was talking a client through her chart, and I saw that she was having trouble letting go of choices she had made long ago.  “You cannot judge yourself for the mistakes of your past.”  It resonated.  “You have to forgive yourself”, I told her, “and move forward.”  With Mercury in Cancer, we’re gonna be thinking about the past a bit.  But it is in retrograde right now, so we can take a cue from the planet and turn it the other way.  We must use this energy to look towards the future, and we should use everything that comes up about the past as a reminder for the long-term goals we’ve laid out for ourselves.  We cannot get caught up in “This happened and then this happened” because “this” is happening, with every passing second.  So you can choose to move forward and learn from everything you do, the successes and the mistakes.  For at the end of the road, it is all forward movement.  And right now, there is a lot of activity around abundance and growth that is pushing us towards realizing our bigger dreams.  Manifestation is in the air, so we must take advantage of it.  That is Jupiter, also in Cancer, and they are all pushing that retrograde energy.  So shift it around and make it work for you, not against you.

Let’s take a closer look at each sign and see how this all could be affecting you more directly:

Continue reading “Wine, A Bath, and The New Moon in Cancer”

Mercury on Shuffle

Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde

I had often referred to my Ipod as “my child”.  It was this tiny, fragile creature that I had been entrusted to take care of, and I loved it with all of my heart.  It practically went everywhere that I went.  I had even named it.  Dove.  So you can imagine my heartache when last week, Dove wouldn’t sync up with my computer and then just wiped clean of all its contents.  Multiple attempts to resuscitate Dove failed.  And as I rushed Dove to the Genius Bar at my nearby Apple Store, I already felt that its spirit had left me.  Dove had become a victim of Mercury’s retrograde, squeezing electronic devices of their proper, happy lives.  And thus, frustrating their owners when their beloved possessions crapped out.  Thankfully, I had purchased an extended warranty, so I was handed a brand new Ipod that I immediately began to love as strongly as the old one.  But still, I had to bow to the Mercury influence.  Perhaps why I have chosen to name this new Ipod just that – Mercury – with the hopes that the two will be friends moving forward.

Yes, we are smack dab in the middle of a Mercury Retrograde.  So that means we have to be patient when communication breaks down.  We have to forgive people when they don’t hear us correctly and do the exact opposite of what we wanted them to do.  We cannot go to the rage place when travel gets delayed or our reservations are incorrect.  And we must chill when our computers, TV’s, or other electronic BFF’s, who usually make our lives easier, decide to turn the tables and make life hell.  It’s all just a response to the planetary energy at play.  And we want to get emotional about it.  We want to take it all to heart and place blame on our choices or ourselves for things not working out.  I mean, I wanted to throw that damn Ipod against a wall or out the window.  But we all must take a step back and a long deep breath before we can really take in what’s going on and discover the best proper solution for it.

Now is the time to go back over some of the pieces of the past and communicate with them

Mercury is the messenger.  So when he stalls in retrograde, the messages are no longer clear.  So how do we make the most of this?  Well, we still have a ton of information that we took in before the retrograde began on June 26th.  We have projects that we started and never finished.  Messes we created but didn’t fully get around to cleaning.  Conversations we told ourselves we wanted to have but didn’t have the courage to initiate.  Well, now is the time to go back over some of the pieces of the past and communicate with them.

Continue reading “Mercury on Shuffle”