I’m So Over Mercury Retrograde


It’s now become synonymous with the general state of things just going into “all fucked-up” mode

You’ve probably seen it in your Facebook newsfeed or overheard it in the kitchen at work. Or perhaps you yourself have uttered it out loud. “Mercury is in retrograde”. It’s now become synonymous with the general state of things just going into “all fucked-up” mode. Yes, it does signify a time when computers go all bonkers and important pieces of work don’t save properly or disappear all together. Mercury does rule communication. So Mercury was probably looking the other way when Carrie Bradshaw’s Mac got the “sad face”, and she learned the harsh rule of needing to back up her work. Hell, even I was hit with the device breakdown of it all when my Ipod had its recent meltdown (Mercury on Shuffle). But I do think people amplify the effects of this transit by looking for it in everything. A miscommunication occurs. Mercury retrograde. That check gets lost in the mail. Mercury retrograde. An entire bag of chocolate chip cookies finds its way into your house and then into your belly, all in one night. Mercury retrograde. Sure, its hazy ways can confuse or complicate things. But the point of it isn’t to just make your life harder, or to assign it blame when something seemingly goes wrong. In fact, Mercury and its current retrograde have some important business for you to attend to at this time.


So what’s the deal, Mercury?

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The Aries Full Moon That Wants To Rock Your World


This Aries Full Moon wants you to reconnect to an area of your life where you crave creativity, inspiration, and action

Usually I start my posts out talking about me. However this time, I want to talk about you. I want to talk about how you are trying your best to get in touch with your highest self while at the same time trying to be fabulous in your everyday life. You want enlightenment but then want to go shopping after attaining it. You want to be in a job that you like but more so, one that utilizes your specific talents and passions. You don’t want to feel like you’re wasting your time, unless it’s your decision to do so on a TV binge, Instagram session, or Candy Crush marathon. You want to be open to surprise in your romantic life, but you also want a clearer understanding of the bigger picture – are you going to get married/stay married or not? Should you be a parent? That question burns even more so if you already have a child. And yes, you’re probably wondering what the hell you should do or be for Halloween. Well aren’t we all?

That is just my point. Aren’t we all? Yes, we’re all snowflakes, each one of us unique in our atomic chemistry. But at the same time, we also all strive, question, and contemplate life’s big questions. We all live inside of a world inside of our heads. We all fear. We all enjoy. We all get confused. And we all, at times, wish someone or something would just come along and say, “This is your path. Get on it and walk.” The funny thing is, this actually does happen for us all – probably daily. We receive answers to our questions in forms of things we watch or read, overheard conversations, or spurts of internal dialogue whose authenticity we then question. This collective universality of experience is extremely important to keep awareness of if one aims to be a loving, compassionate human being. And it is especially something to be aware of as we enter this Aries Full Moon.


Reset your emotional clock and get on track with your precise plan

The current astrological climate is rather aggressive in its desire to push us all toward actualizing our greater selves. Yes, it may feel like the planets and stars are always eagerly urging us in the direction of higher self-realization. Well, that’s because the Universe has that as the ultimate goal for each of us. And for each, being one’s “greater self” looks different. But we all have a specific cosmic blueprint to follow. And when the full moon is in Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, it’s a yearly opportunity to reset your emotional clock and get on track with your precise plan.

This Aries Full Moon wants you to reconnect to an area of your life where you crave creativity, inspiration, and action. Being that it’s illuminated by the Sun in Libra, it wants you to do this while recognizing that you are one with those around you. We may not all come from the same place emotionally, physically, or mentally, but our spirits are from one source. So in order to move forward, you must see that oneness. So, you may be dealing with a soul-crushing co-worker or boss, or your significant other may be disconnected and taking it out on you. You may just be frustrated with your own stalled progress around a project, job search, or emotional quandary. Whatever the case, you must hold compassion for everyone involved so that you can then be calm and clear enough to see the path light up before you. It may just be time to leave that work or relationship situation. Or you may have a light bulb moment around a question or process you’ve been stuck in. None of this can occur when you’re pointing the finger. And that includes pointing it at the mirror.


Take your growth seriously or else just flounder

So how are you opening yourself up to a new start within? And where have you felt a stagnancy or apprehension to make change? Trust that this new emotional beginning of some sort won’t be easy. There is struggle in it, but it’s coming from a place of love. The Universe wants you to work hard for the gifts it has in store. It wants you to take your growth seriously or else just flounder. In a way, it’s like exam time in school. So are you going to come correct and take the test? Or you just gonna doodle in the margins? If getting in touch with that highest self really is as important to you as I think it is, then you’re going to put your head down, bite the end of that pen, and get to work.

Let’s get a closer look at the area of your life that could help unlock the door to this exciting, life-growing process:

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The Idea of You and a New Moon in Libra


What’s the idea you have for yourself?

A few weeks ago, I got back from Minnesota where I was working as a producer on a feature film.  This is the first time that I have worked in this capacity on a movie, and the actual production process was rewarding, exhausting, and one of the most challenging experiences of my life.  And the hours were simply not cute.  Actually, neither was I after a couple days of it.  But my greatest struggle wasn’t sleep deprivation or maintaining my girlish figure amidst the tables of craft service.  Those were easy to manage in comparison to dealing with the internal question mark that arose over myself as the shoot wore on.

I went into this filming process thinking I had a pretty clear idea of myself.  I’m a 36-year-old man.  I got issues, but I know who I am.  However, through this journey, I was forced to question the ideas of me I had in place time and again.  For instance, I thought I was entirely compassionate when I’m actually a bit of a shady bitch.  My thought that I was cautious in my decision making actually read to others as uncertain and lacking in confidence.  And I saw that questioning my instincts was a constant epidemic of my mind, and it never lead to anything but disappointment.  Mostly, I realized that one shouldn’t just sit idly by, waiting on a ship to come in.  With that, all you do is grow old on some dock, watching as others go on about their lives.


When heavy trouble would arise on set, my go-to would be to just sit and observe.  Someone smarter would come along and handle.  But that mentality does nothing for one’s personal growth.  And sometimes, I am that someone smarter.  So I had to push myself to get involved.  No one was going to ask my opinion.  I had to force others to hear my voice.  Thus, I forced myself to hear my own voice and acknowledge it.  And that was something, with the exception of this blog, I had subtly squashed and put into submission as of late.

If we can’t see ourselves fresh every day, then we’re not giving ourselves the opportunity to truly evolve.

All this has allowed for a new me to emerge.  I’m bolder.  I’m more confident.  And I’m less afraid to speak up about what I feel with the fear of rejection hanging over me.  But this shift isn’t just about my actions.  It’s about mentality.  It’s about changing the idea I have of me.  This is a perfect kind of realization for the astrological climate around this new moon in Libra.

What’s the idea you have for yourself?  For one, there’s a sense of how we think we come across to others, which is usually a sharp difference from the actual truth.  We can also identify ourselves too much around a job, a relationship, or even our gender or sexual identity.  And sometimes, we labor to craft the perfect idea of what we think our lives should be.  We know the career we want or would excel at if we weren’t stuck in the one we were currently in, and we think it’s just a matter of time before the boss notices or the Universe opens the door to the right opportunity.  But really, that’s all bullshit.  If we can’t see ourselves fresh every day, then we’re not giving ourselves the opportunity to truly evolve.  We then can’t relate to others from an honest place.  And we rob ourselves of growth and attaining a true balance within which is really all Libra wants us to do.


The process of finding your balance can be wobbly at times, so it requires movement.

Libra craves and creates balance, especially in relationships with others.  But as people, we can only project a peaceful equilibrium and attract those who have one if we truly feel it inside.  Right now, the planets want us to meet a new idea for ourselves.  We need to be honest about what we’re looking for in our lives and stop letting our circumstances dictate what we feel, think, and do.  Each of us is a unique being with a set of lessons to take on.  So take a look at your life.  Are you connecting and activating your specific life plan, or are you just responding to the world and events around you?  If you’re not being active in the process, then you’re not achieving balance.  The process of finding your balance can be wobbly at times, so it requires movement.  Like in yoga, we must fall down when trying to hold a pose to fully know the strength and power of its opposition: complete stillness.

Let’s look more specifically at the signs and how this can be playing out for you:

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