Sagittarius Full Moon 2018


It’s a full moon in Sagittarius

Time to take action on the personal truths you’ve begun to understand about yourself. Find ways to enact them into your daily lives.

Stand up for what you know is right.

Do something that feels geared toward your purpose.

But first, be honest with yourself about what ignites your passion. They’re definitely connected, if not the same thing.

Trust your path. You’re being guided. Feel into the options. The one that feels good is the best choice.

The people you keep bumping into along the way are there to help steer you. Pay attention to their wisdom. It comes in many forms. Just make sure that you’re being respected. And also being respectful of others. We can all get a little shady now and then.

Listen to some music that reminds you of your core self. It’s a wonderful ally in keeping us connected. I listened to Alanis’s THANK U this past week and got all of my life.

Be willing to course correct, even if it’s gonna cause a little damage. It’s better to shift before you get too far in and can’t wade yourself out.

And be ready to talk. People will want to see you. Know what’s going on. Have a ki.

Get into it.

It’s Gemini season, henny.

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