Change or Get Off The Cross


When you make that intense promise to live greater, your life steps up to meet you

In my last post about the full moon, I wrote that the planets were “moving in ways to make challenging angles to each other. Some are getting along. Some are pushing each other. For us, that means we are being pushed and prodded toward our higher calling.” That’s right, my loves. At this time, we are being strongly urged to grow toward our greater self. And that full moon eclipse was the gateway to it. I mean, did you notice how everyone seemed to be talking about it, even if not in an astrological or spiritual way? They were posting about it on Facebook or taking pictures for their Instagram feed. And it makes sense, because it looked really cool. But also, that full “blood” moon was a massive moment for us all on a deeper level. So subconsciously, we all felt a gravitational pull to her. The full moon eclipse was an opening, leading us down the passageway toward our life’s next great chapter. So now how do we fully step into it?

Recently, I attended this ridiculously amazing restorative yoga class. I’ve been before and it’s always a brilliant experience, but this time it really took me on a deep, meditative journey. Its culmination was a visualization exercise that pushed us to connect with each of the four elements. All the students were asked to picture ourselves as each element in whatever way came to us. At first, I was a huge tranquil sea. Then, I became a cozy fire pit on a cool summer night. I was then the scent of jasmine and lavender coasting on the roof of a spring breeze. And finally I morphed into the dirt that lay at the feet of a family of giant redwoods. I essentially became the earth, in all of its varied, elemental glory. This exercise was so soothing and left me feeling incredibly balanced. For I realized that if I was all four of these elements, I was also the space in the center of them. And it is only from that center space where any of us has the ability to tap into all of the elements of oneself in a clear, balanced way.


The time for change is now

Between now and the end of April, four of the major planets are creating an elemental cross in the sky, and we are all finding ourselves in the midst of trying to balance between them. In astrology, it’s referred to as a Grand Cross, though some astrologers are punctuating it with feelings of Armageddon or Y2K. Now don’t get me wrong, it is intense. I mean, aren’t you feeling pretty damn intense these days? But you shouldn’t approach this time with fear. Rather, you should engage it with a sense of openness and a curiosity for how to become a better you. We all just need to learn how to still ourselves so that we can attain the lessons being presented to us. The time for change is now.

So what planets are at play here and how does it really affect you?

Continue reading “Change or Get Off The Cross”

Finding Balance Under a Full Blood Moon


This Libra Full Moon is the doorway to a potentially new version of our lives

For me, the last couple of months have felt a bit all over the place. I have been trying my best to focus and feel accomplished, but there has just been so much to do that it has been hard to give attention to everything I want to do. I’m sure you can totally relate. There’s business work. There’s creative work. There’s spiritual work. There’s relationship time. There’s friendship time. There’s family time. There’s dog time. Not to mention that there’s always the all-important me time that needs to get in. There are bills to pay, dishes to do, posts to write, clients to read, stories to listen to, and there’s fitness to work on too. I can’t forget the necessary trips I’ve had to take, the Instagram pictures I’ve needed to upload, and the concerts I’ve put my dancing shoes on to attend. I’m reeeeeeeal busy. But aren’t we all these days?

With so many of the areas in our lives vying for attention, it can be truly hard to feel balanced within. We can feel stretched and pulled into different directions. And for the most part, we focus on the things we aren’t able to get to. So we end up beating ourselves up for the things we didn’t check off the list rather than celebrating all of the things we did. And that propels us into this panicked state, where we get to sleep pondering all the things we have to do tomorrow, only to hit the ground running the next day in some zombie-like state. Then we go into each day like a chicken with its head cut off, just trying to get things done, just trying to get ahead, without really taking the time to get present. Perhaps it’s because if we allowed ourselves to get present, we would have to get very real with ourselves about the state of our lives.

When we’re pushing and running and trying and doing, we aren’t really just being. And if we aren’t giving ourselves the time to just be, then we’re really just creating an unbalanced life. We must allow ourselves the chance to release the urgency we place on “getting it all done”, or else we aren’t actually receiving the gifts that life wants to offer us. How can we if we’re too busy rushing by them?


If we can slow down, we will see the bullshit for what it is

Mark Nepo wrote, “When feeling urgent,you must slow down.” He continued with “The doorway to our next step of growth is always behind the urgency of now. Now more than ever, when all feels urgent, you must cut the strings to all events.” I think what Mr. Nepo was saying is that we have to slow down enough to see beneath the busyness of our lives. And that all the places we think we need to be are never really urgent when it comes to the greater purpose of our lives. In fact, if we can slow down, we will see the bullshit for what it is. We will see that the busy work we think we need to do is just busy work keeping us from the truer things we want to accomplish with our lives. And we will see that in a great pause, a mirror appears, allowing you to see the more authentic you that is urging to break free. These are the important messages for this current Libra Full Moon moment.

Astrologically, things are just as busy. There are planets moving in ways to make challenging angles to each other. Some are getting along. Some are pushing each other. For us, that means we are being pushed and prodded toward our higher calling – more to come on all that in a future post. But this Libra Full Moon (also called the Blood Moon due to its lunar eclipse) is the doorway to a potentially new version of our lives. Perhaps you have been saying you want to make some changes in your life. Well, now is the time to make them. Or life may just find a way to make them for you. But in order to best see how to make the proper changes, you must not push back. You must stand still, strong like a tree. You must survey your life as if from a mountaintop on a clear day, with great perspective and clarity.


There is no more waiting

You must become comfortable with the present moment in your life. Whether it’s a job you hate, a man you no longer love, or a body you can no longer destroy, you have to pause and look in that mirror to say, “Okay. I see you.” Otherwise you may just set yourself up for a greater challenge to come. You may be forced to deal with things when now you have the power to take them on. There is no more waiting. There is only the opportunity to restore balance to your life in a healthy way, by taking control and having the responsibility to do so. You know where things are off so take the steps toward bringing yourself back into alignment. You deserve a life that feels your own.

Let’s take a closer look at the signs for more clarity:

Continue reading “Finding Balance Under a Full Blood Moon”