That Libra New Moon When Your Truth Came Through


“Just be you.” It’s such a spirituality buzz-phrase and concept, the idea of just being “you” in every situation. Some of us have no issue with it. I feel like I have folks in my life who bring the person I know them to be one on one to every situation. But that’s not always the case for myself. So much so that I’ve made it a mission this year to get fully in touch with my authenticity and live it everywhere at all times. But then I do find myself in some work-related environment and there I am again, modulating some aspect of myself, usually related to either my queerness or, funnily enough, my spirituality. I don’t respond to something in the way I would if I was just hanging out with my gays or with my fellow witchy spirit folks. I’m muted. I’m thinking one thing but presenting another, just so I don’t have to get into some deeper conversation or open myself to judgment. Trust, I know that’s my shit and what it’s about, but it’s a tired battle. Because really, at the end of it all, who gives a fuck?

The Libra New Moon is here to offer us a chance to begin again in this quest to be our fully unique selves with those around us. It asks us to ponder if we are able to reveal the most important pieces of ourselves, even just to the ten most important people in our lives. If we can’t do that, then just how “important” are they? Also, our closest relationships are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. So if we don’t feel completely in truth or in balance with those we consider to be our besties, then how are we expected to be in balance within ourselves?


So how are you doing in relationship with your uniqueness? Would you say there are pieces of you that stay hidden or only find their way out in certain situations? Of course, some would argue about boundaries and the need to protect your self in certain areas of life. And I don’t disagree. I don’t need everyone in my life knowing all of my business. But I also shouldn’t feel the need to protect someone else’s feelings as a compromise to my truth.

Libra can be a real people-pleaser energy. It’s about keeping the peace. But in its best form, Libra wants us all to win, including you. So take a look at how you sacrifice your inner self and needs for the sake of other’s happiness. And notice if you’re afraid in some area of your life to rock the boat by speaking some truth about your feelings or desires. Again, I feel you on this.

I’ve been in the closet before and it’s painful. And living in a world where some hate me without even knowing me, simply for who I love, is bullshit. But I can’t allow that to scare me from being all of me. The same goes for my spirituality. I’ve lived through so many years of not wanting to talk about being an astrologer or my connection to spirit out of not being taken seriously in other areas of my life. But fuck those people. I don’t need their acceptance to validate the truth of what I’ve lived and my experience.

Neither do you.


Let’s take this chance together to not hide or hold back the things within us that make us one hundred percent who we are. The spirit of this is already in the air. It’s in the spirit of the current discussion around sexual harassment and violation. It’s in the spirit of political discussion and standing up for one’s beliefs. The time has come to shift the power dynamics toward our selves and away from others. The time has come to not be quiet about our truth.

Try this. Go back to the idea of the ten most important folks in your life right now. Ask yourself, how much of your authenticity do they know? How are you “in the closet” with them? And does it matter, is it important for you to come clean and shine your heart’s truth out to them? If so, then give it a whirl and push yourself to meet them at the greatest level of you. And if not, then maybe it’s time to shorten that list. It’s all good, because you’re just making room for others to join it who will meet you at the level of your authenticity. And that is what you need right now. It is time to live a life among those who can champion and support your authenticity. It is time to make yourself number one on your list. It is time to love you, all of you. Others will follow.

Happy New Moon in Libra!

3 thoughts on “That Libra New Moon When Your Truth Came Through

  1. ❤🙏❤ 🙂

    On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 2:02 PM, ASTROLOGY REALNESS wrote:

    > astroaries posted: ” “Just be you.” It’s such a spirituality buzz-phrase > and concept, the idea of just being “you” in every situation. Some of us > have no issue with it. I feel like I have folks in my life who bring the > person I know them to be one on one to every situation.” >

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